
Object Properties

Global Directives

  • #include "filename"

  • Includes the file specified.
  • #material name propertyList

  • Defines a material of name name with the given property list.  The properties may be any property (including object-specific properties).

Built-in Objects

  • AnalyticSurface
  • Circle
  • Cube
  • ExtrudedObject
  • FractalMountain
  • FractalTree
  • Ground
  • LathedObject
  • Light
  • Line
  • NURBSCurve
  • NURBSurface
  • Rectangle
  • ReliefSculpture
  • Sphere
  • Sky
  • Teapot
  • Triangle
  • Common (shared) Properties
    position vector The position of the object.  (Default:  (0, 0, 0) )
    rotation ordered pair The rotation of the object, described as an ordered pair of angles (in degrees) around the three axis.  An ordered pair of (x, y, z) corresponds to a rotation of x degrees around the x-axis, y degrees around the y-axis, and z degrees around the z-axis.  (Default:  (0, 0, 0) )
    size number | order pair Specifies the size of the object according to the ordered pair (x, y, z) which multplies the x component by x, the y component by y and the z component by z.  A number is equivalent to (n, n, n).  (Default: (1, 1, 1) )
    color color The color of the object.  (Default:  (255, 255, 255) (white))
    texture string An image to be used as a texture for the object
    texture_position ordered pair Provides an offset for the upper left corner of the texture.  (Default:  (0, 0))
    texture_size number | ordered pair Provides a scaling factor (s, t) for this texture, where s is the horizontal axis of the texture and t is the vertical axis.  If a scalar value is given, scaling factors in both the s and t directions will be the same.  (Default:  (1, 1))
    texture_rotation number Provides a rotation (in degrees) for the texture.  (Default:  0)
    transparency number Value between 0.0 and 1.0 specifying how transparent the object is;  0 is opaque and 1 is completely transparent (invisible).  (Default: 0)
    reflectivity number Value between 0.0 and 1.0 specifying how reflective the object is;  0 is not at all reflective, 1 is completely reflective.  (Default: 0)
    shininess number Value between 0.0 and 1.0 specifying how shiny the object is, that is, how broad is the specular reflection.  0 is not shiny at all (e.g. a piece of plate glass:  either you see the light reflected over the entire glass or over none of it) and 1 is extremely shiny (e.g. the back side of a silver spoon:  the light is one little speck).  Shininess is generally what makes rendered lifeforms look plastic, since most real things cannot be modelled solely with shininess.  Note that this is not the same as reflectivity, although they generally go together.  (Default:  .2)
    accuracy number | pair An ordered pair (u, v) controlling the number of polygons in the object.  u and v are accuracy multipliers;  the number of polygons in the u-direction of the object will be u times the original number of polygons.  If a number is used it is the same as specifying (n, n).  Note that not all objects can or do modify their polygon counts, but the most important ones (anything based on NURBS) will.  (Default:  (100%, 100%))
    name string The name of the object.  This does not need to be unique among all objects in the engine, but is helpful to have the names be unique within a composite objects.  (Default:  automatically generated)
    Common (shared) Flags
    FloatingObjectX The object's x position will change as the viewer's x position changes
    FloatingObjectY The object's y position will change as the viewer's y position changes
    FloatingObjectZ The object's z position will change as the viewer's z position changes
    NoDraw The object will not be drawn.  Useful for not drawing objects that exist only so that other objects can reference them, most NURBSCurve objects, for example
    WireMesh Draw the object as a wire mesh
    Debug May draw additional debug items

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