HexEdit is a free hex editor that I wrote, mostly because I didn’t know of any decent free hex editors. I’m not expecting any payment, but if you like the program, you are welcome to donate whatever you think that it’s worth... Please note that HexEdit has no warranty whatsoever.
Download HexEdit v1.03 Now! (Right click to download)
Download the HexEdit class demonstration (Right click
to download)
HexEdit FAQ.
- Hex, octal, and ASCII displays.
- Find strings in hex, octal, and ASCII.
- Command line usage (hexedit filename), for all you command line freaks like me, or a GUI Open.
- Edit in hex, octal, or ASCII. Up to 1024 characters can be inserted, and any amount can be cut or deleted. (Be careful when doing this to executable files, as they may not work if you do this [but I’m not stopping you if you want to try...]).
- Configurable font face and size. (Stored in HKCUSOFTWAREHEXEDIT)
- All colors are configurable and are stored in HKCUSOFTWAREHEXEDIT)
- Copy and paste. Hex strings (e.g. “01 ff 4d”) can be pasted into the
hex window when hex viewing is on and HexEdit will automatically convert
the string. Similarly, cutting from the hex window cuts
the hex output. When the hex window is in octal mode, everthing is in
octal. The ascii window always cuts and pastes in ascii.
- A note about clipboard usage: HexEdit uses the CB_TEXT type, so that you can cut and paste into other text editors. However, Windows uses '0' to mark the end of the string, so trying to paste strings with nulls ('0's) in them generally won’t work. If you paste “00" into the hex window or “000" into the octal window, however, it will work.
Ugh. Nobody likes ‘em, but it seems like they’re always there...- The last byte isn’t displayed in the ascii window until you put the cursor there (although the hex window works just fine).
- The PageUp and PageDown keys don’t go quite up to the top.
- The right click menu doesn’t always go quite where it should (screwy Win32 API).
- Sometimes (but not often) you can select stuff on the bottom of the screen.
- The copy and paste menu items do not grey themselves properly. Purely a cosmetic problem.
Version info
v 1.03
- Fixed a number of small scrolling-type bugs.
- I got sick of Alt-TABbing over to Calc all the time, so I added a decimal value item to the right-click menu. It displays the decimal value of the byte where the mouse was right clicked (NOT the byte where the cursor is).
- Discovered how the get Enter to press buttons, so now Enter will search in Find.
v 1.02
- Added customizable font faces and sizes. Unfortunately, it’s not obvious where windows wants initialization values, so the dialog box doesn’t default to the currently used font and size. (The defaults, BTW, are Courier New, ~8pt font)
- Added customizable colors. All custom settings are stored in HKCUSOFTWAREHEXEDIT.
- Added copy and paste.
- Added insert and delete (cut) capabilities.
- Added the name of the file being edited to the title bar.
v 1.01
- Rewrote HexEdit to be one self-contained class (as much as Windows will allow).
- Fixed a bug that scroll bars didn’t appear if a file wasn’t specified on the command line.
- Added check marks to the View menu. I decided that the popup menu was better off without them.
- Fixed sundry editing bugs and other miscellaneous bugs that I’ve forgotten...
v 1.00
- HexEdit created (woohoo!). Lots of global variables, but it works!