- Think: are you fulfilling your leadership in the Kingdom?
- All of us are called to use our gifts to make the world a better place
- Realized at 17 that God had two goals for him:
- Be a value centered corporate leader
- Train others to be value centered leaders
- We have a leadership vacuum in America: 20% of people trust business leaders, 15% trust members of Congress, 48% trust pastors.
- Leaders have put themselves above their institutions and have damaged them
- We have been choosing the wrong leaders for the wrong reasons
- We have chosen leaders for their charisma, style. Why are we surprised if they lack character?
- Leadership is not about money, fame, power. It is responsibility. (Peter Drucker)
- Leadership is giving people the opportunity [incomplete]
- Leadership in the 21st centruy: aligned, empowered, serve, collaborative
- Aligned: most important thing is to get [a team with the same vision]
- Empowered: the job isn’t to get people to follow you. We don’t want followers
- Serve: people aren’t there to serve you; it’s the reverse. We serve them.
- Collaborate: problems are difficult, need to collaborate to solve them.
- Leaders are not created by scoring well on the competency test, but by their life
- Howard Schultz (Starbucks): realized his father, who lost 30 jobs in the NY projects, never had a chance to succeed. Wanted to build a company that his dad could work in.
- Oprah: completely changed the show’s direction when she realized that all her sexual abuse was not her fault and now her show is about empowerment.
- Six things leaders do to develop themselves:
- Understand the purpose of your leadership
- Follow your compass, not your clock.
- The CEO of Avon realized that she was passionate about empowering women, so completely changed the direction of the company.
- Gain self-awareness:
- Go and experience the world
- Get feedback
- Introspection, prayer, dialogue with people
- Values
- What happens when everything we worked for hangs in the balance?
- Follow your motivation (and your strengths)
- Not extrinsic (salary, etc.) but intrinsic (mentoring, develop people, etc.)
- Need to be where we are really motivated by
- Build a support team
- Start with having a God you can communicate with
- Someone you can share deeply with
- A group you can share with
- Lead and integrated life: you can’t lead a “balanced” life
- Think about the end of your life and your grand kids ask “what did you do to make the world a better place?”
- All of us are made to reflect the image of God; all of us are leaders. Do you believe that?
- Q: Why do leaders lose their way?
A: They lost track of who they are. They tried to be someone different than who they are . They followed wealth, etc. - Q: Why do you admire Wendy [Kopp]?
A: Tried hard to follow her passion of giving kids education. After 5 years, it was failing miserably. Could have walked away, but didn’t. Followed who she was.