Class 1 |
Volitional form:
U: One of う, す, つ, ぬ, ふ, む, る I: Same consonant as U except that the vowel is ‘i'. (i.e. う -> い, す -> し, etc.) A: Same as U except that the vowel is “a”. (except that う -> わ) O: Same as U except that the vowel is ‘o'. X: if I is
た becomes だ (i.e. ぎ -> いだ) |
In general, any verb ending in う, す, つ, ぬ, ふ,
or む (and their voiced variants) is a class 1 verb. Verbs ending
in る may be any class. Exceptions:
Class 2 |
Volitional form:
that the た of the past informal ending does not change to だ if the root ending in a voiced syllable! |
Verbs of either a final ‘e’ syllable in the
root (e.g. たべる)or
monosyllabic root of an ‘i’ syllable (e.g. きる) Exceptions:
Class 3 |
The only class 3 verbs are する and くる. |
て Form |
て form is the same as
the past informal form except that た changes to て.
Conjunctive Form |
conjunctive form is the -ます form without the ます. (ex: たべ-)
Suggestions |
- Conjugation is only necessary in the form noun は adjective [is]. The
conjugated adjective takes the place of the verb to be.
- Modifying an noun:
い adj: adjective + noun
な adj: adjective + な + noun
な adj: adjective + な + noun
- Conjoining adjectives: adjective-> adjective and adjective:
adjective> <te-form adjective> ... <regular adjective>
The translation is "adj1 and adj2 and ... adjn”. Just as in English, contrasting adjectives do not really make sense (“the diamond is ugly and nice” is not good, although “ugly but nice” might be fine given the right circumstances).
は |
Topic of the sentence. |
が |
Grammatical subject of the
sentence. Replaces は in clauses. |
も |
“also, too” Replaces は, が,
and を. A: きのう、エルビス を みました よ
! (Yesterday I saw Elvis!)
B: ほんとう です か! わたし ま [エルビス を みました]! (Really!? Me too!) |
の |
“of” (possession) わたし の くるま (my car)
“one” (pronoun)
で |
“at” (location) うちで ゆうごはん を たべました。 (I ate supper
at the the house)
“using” or “by means of”くるま で きっています。 (I am coming
by car)
へ |
“to” (indicating motion towards
a general direction) とうきょう へ いきます。 (I will go to
や |
“and [others]” (see also と) りんご や みかん を かいました。 (I
bought apples and oranges [and other things].)
と | “and” りんご と みかん を かいました。 (I
bought apples and oranges [and nothing else].)
“with”としょかん で さとみさん と はなしました。 (I
talked with Satomi in the library.)
end-of-quotationはやしさん は 「あそこ へ ぜんぜん いきません」 と いいました。 (Hayashi said “I’ll never go
か |
“or” りんご か みかん を おねがいします。 ([Give
me either] apples or oranges, please.)
し |
used when listing reasons (always takes plain form. な-adjectives must be followed by the plain form of the copula) よる は しずかだ し いい んです。 (Because the night is quiet and nice)
ええ、でも とても とおい し あつい し、... (Yes, but it’s very far and it is hot... [i.e. “No.”]) |
に |
“to” (motion towards a
specific location. Generally interchangeable with へ) “at [specific time]” Time words must have a specific number (8 じ) or name (もくようび). Relative times (あした) cannot be used. 8じ に あいましょう。 (Let’s meet at
8 o’clock.)
location/existenceどこ に います か。 (Where is he?)
“for, [in order] to” (expression of purpose)ぎんこう の となり に います。 (Next to the bank.) conj.
verb / noun に
motion verb
ウイツル で スキイ を しに いきました。 (I came to Whistler [in order] to ski.) バスケットバル に きました。 (I came to play basketball.) |
Joining Sentences
か |
a question. |
ね |
agreement. |
よ |
strong conviction or new information that the speaker knows but the
listener does not. |
のだ |
a question or response that is asking or giving an explanation; can also be used for a softening effect. Optional (adds
but not meaning). Comes before the か if the sentence is a
でしょう |
a likely probability (“probably”). (e.g. He probably
understands: たなかさんはわかれるでしょう。) The construction always takes the plain form.
かもしれません |
an uncertainty (“maybe”). Same grammar as でしょう except that the
negative form is changes to かもしれない. |
そうです |
that the speaker is relaying information second-hand (“I hear that...”,
“It is said that...”) Always requires the plain form. な-adjectives must be followed by the copula.
Comparison |
is more ... than B |
は B より ... |
is less ... than B |
は B ほど ... |
is more ... ? |
と B と どちら (のほう) が ... か |
is more... (answer) |
(のほう) が ... |
Superlative |
is the most ... |
と B と C のなかで A が 一番 ... |
is the most ... |
A と B と C のなかで question-word が 一番 ... | |
is the most ... |
が 一番 ... |
Equative |
is as ... as B |
は B と おなじぐらい ... |
Corresponding to English Verbs (or other parts of speech)
Want (object) |
X は Y が ほしい (です) (1st or 2nd person) X は Y を ほしいがる (3rd person). (“X wants Y.” Lit. “X’s want is Y”) Note the use of がる, which is similar to “appears to be” and is used in describing feelings, wants, and needs of others (because you never fully know someone else’s state) |
to (action) |
X は Y が/を conjunctive verbたい (1st or 2nd
person) X は Y を conjunctive verbたがる (3rd person). See note above for がる. (X wants to verb) |
Intention | ...
plain verb つもり です
“when” |
noun の とき い-adj とき な-adj な とき phrase とき (Literally “time that phrase" or "phrase-time”, i.e. a relative clause describing time.) こども の とき は ... (When
I was a child...)
つまらない とき は ... (When I was bored...) ゆうめいな とき は ... (When I was famous...) あたらしいくるま を かいった とき は ... (When I bought a new car....) |
or not |
plain form かどうか (whether
[or not] ...) あめ が ふった かどうか を わかりません。 (I don’t
know whether [or not] it rained)
Other Grammatical Constructions
if |
し[も]] past plain adj., verb, copula
ら ... おかね が あったら ... (If I had
Opinion |
と おもう (Lit. “think that ....”) たなかさん は 「 3 じ はん に あいましょう」と
いいう と おもいました でしょお。 (I think Mr. Tanaka said “meet at 3:30".)
この かんしゃ が すき じゃない と おもいます。 (I think I don’t like this company.) すし を たべよう と おもいます。 (I am thinking of eating sushi.) |
While |
phrase1 ながら phrase2 (phrase2 while phrase1) |
experience |
past plain verb こと が ある 6 さい の とき に 日本へいきました。 (When
I was six, I went to Japan. [i.e. simple fact.])
6 さい の とき に 日本へいいたことがありました。 (When I was six, I had the experience of going to Japan) |
Naming |
というX (X called Y) Note that (いう is never written as a kanji in this construction) |